Director Jorge Malpica (Metro Productions, Mexico City), working in collaboration with VIP Films from Dubai, shot and finished two extremely beautiful and post intensive commercials with The Network for ‘Ajmakan’ and ‘The Land Holding’. Jorge’s lyrical translation of the agency’s vision yielded two very distinct and remarkably eye-catching commercials. We worked closely with Voodoo throughout the production process to ensure the smoothest possible flow through pre-production to post for these multi-layered commercials. Happily we were able to include the very gifted DOP Vicci Turpin, from South Africa, on those films.
Here’s what Director Jorge Malpica had to say about working with The Network:
“I Had the opportunity to work with The Network in SA for two commercials. The experience was great. The Network team, led by Duncan and Kim, were incredibly helpful not only production wise, but also on a creative level. Best of all, Kin and Duncan are great people. Human, kind and intelligent. It was fun and easy to work with them. The Network crew performed outstandingly. My shoot was quite complicated: helicopter shots, wild horses, waterfalls, practical effects, heavy post…